Sunday, May 18, 2008

A funny thing happened...

The weather has been so nice here lately! We have enjoyed temps in the high 80's for the last couple days and its been great! So Justin and I decided to head up Logan Canyon and have a cookout. We jumped in the Jeep with our hotdogs and 'smores and took off to our favorite place up the canyon. Beaver Creek is right next to Beaver Mountain, the local ski resort. We expected a little bit of snow, but not enough to get stuck. Well, before we knew it we were stuck in a couple feet of snow! The four wheel drive needs a little work on the Jeep, and the rear wheel drive didn't exactally cut it.

Anyway- a hour and a half later, splattered in mud and only slightly injured (I got cut on the thumb, no biggie!) we got out and found a new spot to have our cookout. It was a great little place next to the Logan River. It was perfect! And there is nothing like the first fire roasted hotdogs of the season followed by IBC rootbeer kept cold by the river. It was awesome and we had a great time!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

April was a busy month...

So, apparently I am not very good at this whole blogging thing. I try to keep up to date, but things here have been crazy! April was a busy month for us. School ended for me, so I was busy with final papers and projects. Justin and I had our first belt test, and we are now both yellow belts! Its exciting for us, because its something we have worked for all year long. Justin did a great job with his enbo (a set of techniques we had to pass off).

The other big thing this month is we are finally homeowners! We closed on our new townhouse on April 30th, and we are now trying to get settled. We still have boxes all over, but its coming together very well. Its great to be in our own place and not have to worry about neighbors right above and below us. I also love having my own washer and dryer and the gas appliances in the kitchen! YAY! We live right by the golf course, and there is a beautiful river walk that goes right through it. We love being in our new home and are looking forward to becoming more comfortable and organized.

We were hoping things would calm down after we closed, but they haven't. I am getting ready for preschool graduation and summer camp with the kids. Justin is working hard at work. After only 2 months at West Liberty, Justin has been promoted! Its really exciting for both of us, and I am so proud of Justin. He is so much more confident in himself and loves that his hard work is being recognized. He is excited for the new challenge and responsibility of his new position.

Okay, I think you are all caught up now on what is going on with us. Its been crazy, but all good crazy and all new and exciting things.